Friday, October 7, 2011

Style Icon: Faye Dunaway

You know who was really making a look work for in the '70s?  Faye Dunaway in Bonnie & Clyde.  I'm pretty much obsessed with the sleekness of the whole ensemble.

I've never seen the movie so let's assume she's wearing a fabulous tweed pencil skirt, agree? (Okay, and actually - I just googled it and I was right.)

I really have to give it to the costume dresser on this one, check out the real Bonnie.  Yikes! I love when people take liberties in movies, like not committing to an accent or dressing actors in period appropriate clothing.  Click below to mimic this awesome look.

Polyvore Set Here
A camel turtleneck, while not exactly what Faye wore, is such a versatile part of a wardrobe - it's always a good buy.  The real statement is a scarf, so find one that you love and use it instead of jewelery.  I picked a reddish pencil skit to go with the scarf, but any tweed will do.  For the woman on the run, throw on some cognac colored tassel loafers and nude lipstick and you're ready to go.  I also threw in a cloche instead of a beret because, well, it's a beret.  I wore one for Halloween last year.

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