Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Metropolitan Redecoration

So, I'm not exactly razing a building, but I am doing some pretty hardcore redecorating in my bedroom.  Get ready ladies and gentleman, I haven't changed it up since like 2004 so things are about to get real. Well, not too real, I'm not painting walls or anything but I am PAINTING like and artist, on canvas.

First things first, I rent.  I can paint my walls but that's hard, I also would have to paint them back before I move someday and that's harder still.  Pish posh all you want but I did this in my last apartment and the painting back was a nightmare that I've actually blocked out because it made me sad.

To start out here are some pictures of my existing room and how I'm hoping to change them:

This is obviously my bed and it's looked like this FOREVER.  There is a whole lotta beige going on right now.  I'm not going to completely change that because I like the light colors but I'm going for all white bedding and some updated art work.

This is area number 2 that needs an overhaul.  The room is huge but I feel like it's very cluttered.  My last room was literally a fourth of the size of my current space so what I couldn't fit in my room at my last apartment was stored in various areas throughout.  My goal is to get rid of the clutter by giving a lot of stuff away to Tossed & Found (whoa, hey random Junior League of Washington product placement.) and then begin using the desk as more of a vanity area.

Because drop off dates for T&F end next Wednesday, I need to complete this task over the weekend.

Also, see that old Vogue canvas above the wall?  I can't stand looking at it anymore, so last night I began the process of removing the print on the canvas (really hard) and I hope to be able to paint over it.  Tomorrow I'll post some of the art I'm hoping to recreate but for now, three words, Washington Color School.

This is another outdated piece I've had hanging that I'm excited to also re-purpose.  It's actually a painted piece of wood so what I plan on doing is spraying the whole thing with some spray paint primer, painting the frame black and then painting something fun and playful! Is that how you do these things? I don't know! But we'll see.  

Tomorrow, I'll post about my inspiration for this DIY but it's quite hard to recreate since I'm working with very dark, outdated furniture.  My desk and dresser (not shown) are hand me downs from my mother.  They're very old, heavy and well-made and I hope to have them refinished someday in white so I can give them to my future children. I need to find a way to incorporate them into my (hopefully) more modern style. 

Sorry for the lack of before pictures.  I'll try and take some more before I begin.  I've ordered everything online so I'm kind of at an impasse until things begin to arrive.  Updating the bed is the easy part, everything else (including a much needed closet revamp) are going to be the death of me. 

Stay tuned and send any tips, suggestions, helpful ideas my way! 

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